Monday, August 6, 2012

Wanted: A Few Good CBIs

The Acton-Shapleigh Youth Conservation Corps (ASYCC) is looking for a few good Courtesy Boat Inspectors (CBI) for their late 2012 and entire 2013 summer seasons. No prior experience is required; training will be provided. We are looking for responsible, positive, committed young men and women preferably from the Shapleigh and Acton region. After training you will begin working a few shifts on Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays this September and October to ease you into the job. If you do well, we will include you as part of the CBI Crew starting in the spring of 2013.

A CBI has one priority: the prevention of access of invasive aquatic plant life to Mousam Lake and Square Pond.  CBIs are trained to thoroughly inspect each boat and trailer that enters, or departs, Mousam Lake and Square Pond from state boat ramps, and capture any and all plant fragments discovered. Shifts are between 4-6 hours long. It is a great outdoor summer job, particularly for those intending to enter an environmental field after high school.

Please visit our website,, to learn more about what the ASYCC does, and Email or call Pat Jackson at:, 207-608-5491 if you are looking for responsible and rewarding summer employment.