Fall Round-up & Conservation News
Today is one of the most important days of the year - voting day. It is up to each of us to head to the polls to cast our votes to determine the path of the next 4 years. There is still time to learn about the candidates & issues on your local ballot & make your decisions.
We are also in the midst of our 2013 YCSWCD Supervisor election. This is for a 3 year District Supervisor Term. Tony Carroll of Limerick is a Dairy Farmer who has been involved with the District for 12 years is running for this position. If you would like to cast your vote please call our office for a ballot. You must be a resident of York County, ME in order to vote. Write in candidate space in provided on the ballot.
This has been a busy year for the District & we are in the process of wrapping up our field season. On Saturday we hosted local Invasive Plant Patrol Team leaders for a roundtable discussion & wrap up presentation for our 2012 Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund Grant. Each team member provided us with an update on their activities this summer & provided input into future projects. This groups has really come together to support one anothers efforts to monitor for the presence of aquatic invaders. It can be a daunting task for newcomers & this group provides technical support & resources throughout York County.
Work in the Square Pond Watershed continued this summer through a 319 grant from ME DEP. We also received funding for work in the Goodall Brook Watershed & Pequawket lake (Horn Pond) watershed.
We completed outreach in the Salmon Falls Watershed focused on Forestry projects through which landowners were guaranteed cost-share funding for Forestry Management plans.
Our Demo Forest in Lyman has seen some changes this past year. Last fall we completed the first harvest on the property based on our forest management plan. We hosted a workshop during the harvest to show landowners how large mechanical harvests work well even on small harvests. This coming year we expect to build on the work by offering workshops to landowners, increasing signage & interpretive features and continue to implement best management practices on the forest.
Well, it's been busy & we have more to share but will save that for another post. Feel free to contact us to learn more about these projects.